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The application reads the provided config.ini file to initialize the application. You can provide the location of this file (full path and name) to the start-.. scripts.

When values in the config.ini require secrets from the vault provider use the syntax ${vault:}. The values are replaced when the config file is parsed.

Sections documentation


General application settings


title: Application title to display on the Navigation bar

Example title=Data Transformer

db_url: Url to connect to the database

Example db_url=sqlite+aiosqlite:////tmp/data.db

max_file_size: Max size for a single file in bytes

Example max_file_size=10000000

max_storage_size: Max total size of files in bytes per account

Example max_storage_size=100000000

webhook_domain_whitelist: Comma separated list of domains allowed for webhooks


debug: Not implemented

Example debug=false

file_ttl: Hours before deleting a file. No automation is implemented yet. You can delete by invoking the API call to /platform/delete-expired-files

Example file_ttl=72







Secrets provider configuration. Classes for each provider are defined in the application. Current implementation support an environment file


type: Provider class. Options: envfile

Example type=envfile

ENVFILE options

path=../../ # Path to locate file

file=secrets.txt # File name


File storage provider. Classes for each provider type are defined in the application. Currently local filesystem is support. S3 is next.


type: Provider class. Options: localfs, s3

LOCALFS options

path=/tmp/data # Path to store files

S3 options

bucket=s3://mybucket # S3 Bucket name

endpoint_url=http://localhost:9000 # Set if not using a standard AWS endpoint

region=us-west-1 # Required for some providers

access_key_id=${vault:access_key_id} # Access Key stored in a vault provider

secret_access_key=${vault:secret_access_key} # Secret stored in a vault provider


Endpoint url for dataplane [dataplane] url=http://localhost:9000 # Endpoint where data plane is listening


Endpoint url for dataplane [controlplane] url=http://localhost:8050 # URL of controlplane. We use this to contruct urls from the dataplane (like password reset url)

background provider

Background tasks execution provider. A class is defined in the application to handle background tasks. Currently, only FastApi Backgroundtasks is implemented

