
Share CSV Files, Key Performance Indicators and Metrics

Secure, standard API and UI. Share data with your partners and customers.

Monetize you metrics and KPIs

AmetricX offers seamless integration capabilities with a variety of third-party tools, enhancing your data integration and dashboard creation experience. Whether you prefer the flexibility of Retool, the familiarity of Excel, the power of Talend, the scalability of Matillion, or the insights provided by Qlik, AmetricX ensures compatibility with these tools. By effortlessly connecting with popular platforms, users can streamline their workflow and leverage the strengths of these tools alongside AmetricX’s robust features. This interoperability empowers users to create comprehensive and insightful dashboards, combining the strengths of AmetricX with the versatility of their preferred third-party applications.

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Share Key Performance Indicators and Metrics

Secure, standard api and UI. Share data your partners and customers.