Share CSV Files, Key Performance Indicators and Metrics

Secure, standard API and UI. Share data with your partners and customers.

Monetize you metrics and KPIs

Share B2B data: CSV Files, metrics and KPIs

Easily and securely share key business decision metrics and CSV files with your business partners and customers in a few simple steps

Add users

Create account for your metric/kpi consumers

Create a metric or CSV File and upload data

Define the metrics name, description and unit.

Grant consumer access to metrics or CSV Files

You subscribers can be granted access to read, write, or read-write each metric. Consumers can only read CSV files.

Data is ready for download and integration

Your subscribers can now download data from the UI or use the AmetricX API to create integrations

Sharing data and metrics with partners and customers

Want to learn more

Review our documentation

Home » Share B2B data: CSV Files, metrics and KPIs

Share CSV Files, Key Performance Indicators and Metrics

Secure, standard API and UI. Share data with your partners and customers.

Monetize you metrics and KPIs

Home » Share B2B data: CSV Files, metrics and KPIs