Share CSV Files, Key Performance Indicators and Metrics

Secure, standard API and UI. Share data with your partners and customers.

Monetize you metrics and KPIs

Share CSV / JSON with Excel integration

Sharing CSV files with business partners can be challenging, especially when it comes to ensuring the security of the shared data. Excel can retrieve data from many sources. Using the AmetricX API you can integrate with Microsoft Excel to facilitate access to your metrics in CSV or JSON format.

Create a new data connection

Excel can retrieve data from many sources. Using the “From Web” connection you can define your access to AmetricX to retrieve metrics data​

Define Connection URL

This screen constructs the URL for the API call. You must be aware URL formatting.
? indicates that parameters follow
& separates the parameter

Review this document to understand the required parameters.
Make sure you use the correct endpoint for your account
Click OK to continue

Data preview

Excel provides a preview of the data prior to loading with the option to transform the data. Click load to continue


When you click load after previewing the data, you metrics is loaded into a Spreadsheet

There is more you can do in Excel to transform and query data. This post is just getting you started!