How to Import CSV into PostgreSQL

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If you’re working with large amounts of data, chances are you’ll need to import data from a CSV file into your PostgreSQL database. This process can seem daunting, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be a simple and efficient process.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps of importing a CSV file into PostgreSQL, including how to set up your database, prepare your CSV file, and use the PostgreSQL COPY command to import your data.

Why Import CSV into PostgreSQL?

CSV (Comma Separated Values) files are a common format for storing and exchanging data. They are easy to create and can be opened in any spreadsheet program, making them a popular choice for storing and sharing data.

PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source relational database management system that is widely used for storing and managing large amounts of data. By importing CSV files into PostgreSQL, you can easily add large amounts of data to your database and perform complex queries and analysis on that data.

Setting Up Your Database

Before you can import a CSV file into PostgreSQL, you’ll need to set up your database. If you already have a database set up, you can skip this step.

To set up a PostgreSQL database, you’ll need to have PostgreSQL installed on your computer. If you don’t have it installed, you can download it for free from the PostgreSQL website.

Once you have PostgreSQL installed, you can create a new database by using the createdb command in your terminal. For example, if you want to create a database called “mydatabase”, you would use the following command:

createdb mydatabase

Preparing Your CSV File

Before you can import your CSV file into PostgreSQL, you’ll need to make sure it is properly formatted. This includes ensuring that the column names are correct and that the data is in the correct format for each column.

You can use a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to open and edit your CSV file. Make sure to save your changes as a CSV file when you’re finished.

Using the PostgreSQL COPY Command

Once your database is set up and your CSV file is properly formatted, you can use the PostgreSQL COPY command to import your data.

The COPY command allows you to copy data from a CSV file into a table in your database. It is a fast and efficient way to import large amounts of data into PostgreSQL.

To use the COPY command, you’ll need to have the CSV file saved in a location that is accessible by your PostgreSQL server. This could be on your local computer or on a remote server.

To import the data from your CSV file, you’ll need to use the following syntax:

COPY table_name FROM ‘path/to/csv/file’ DELIMITER ‘,’ CSV HEADER;

Let’s break down this command:

  • COPY is the keyword that tells PostgreSQL to copy data from a file into a table.
  • table_name is the name of the table in your database where you want to import the data.
  • FROM is the keyword that tells PostgreSQL where to find the file you want to import.
  • ‘path/to/csv/file’ is the path to your CSV file. This can be a local file path or a remote file path.
  • DELIMITER ‘,’ tells PostgreSQL that your CSV file is comma-separated.
  • CSV tells PostgreSQL that your file is in CSV format.
  • HEADER tells PostgreSQL that the first row of your CSV file contains the column names.

For example, if you have a CSV file called “customers.csv” that contains customer data, and you want to import that data into a table called “customers” in your database, you would use the following command:

COPY customers FROM ‘customers.csv’ DELIMITER ‘,’ CSV HEADER;

Once the command has finished running, your data will be imported into your database.

Tips for Successful CSV Import

Importing CSV files into PostgreSQL can be a straightforward process, but there are a few things you can do to ensure a successful import.

Check Your Column Names

Before importing your CSV file, make sure that the column names in your CSV file match the column names in your database table. If they don’t match, you can use the ALTER TABLE command to rename your columns before importing the data.

Check Your Data Types

Make sure that the data in your CSV file is in the correct format for each column in your database table. For example, if you have a column that is supposed to contain dates, make sure that the data in that column is in a date format.

If your data is not in the correct format, you can use the ALTER TABLE command to change the data type of your columns before importing the data.

Use a CSV Parser

If your CSV file contains complex data, such as strings with commas or quotes, you may run into issues when trying to import it into PostgreSQL. In these cases, it can be helpful to use a CSV parser to properly format your data before importing it.

Real-World Example: Importing CSV into PostgreSQL with Python

Python is a popular programming language for data analysis and manipulation. It also has a library called psycopg2 that allows you to connect to a PostgreSQL database and execute SQL commands.

Using Python and psycopg2, you can easily import a CSV file into PostgreSQL. Here’s an example of how to do it:

import psycopg2 import csv

Connect to the database

conn = psycopg2.connect(“dbname=mydatabase user=myuser”)

Open the CSV file

with open(‘customers.csv’, ‘r’) as f: # Create a cursor object cur = conn.cursor() # Use the COPY command to import the data cur.copy_from(f, ‘customers’, sep=’,’, null=”) # Commit the changes conn.commit()

In this example, we use the psycopg2 library to connect to our database and create a cursor object. Then, we use the copy_from method to import the data from our CSV file into our “customers” table. Finally, we commit the changes to the database.


Importing CSV files into PostgreSQL is a useful skill for anyone working with large amounts of data. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily import data from a CSV file into your PostgreSQL database and take advantage of the powerful data analysis and manipulation capabilities of PostgreSQL.

Remember to properly format your CSV file and use the PostgreSQL COPY command to import your data efficiently. And if you run into any issues, don’t hesitate to use a CSV parser or a programming language like Python to help you with the process.

With these tips and tools, you’ll be able to import CSV files into PostgreSQL with ease and take your data analysis to the next level.

1. Obtain an API Key
2. Retrieve a CSV file with Python
3. Define Database connection
4. Append data to existing table
All in one script
1. Obtain an API Key
2. Retrieve a CSV file with Python
3. Define Database connection
4. Append data to existing table
All in one script

For more information read the Generate API Key documentation

Navigate to settings from the top bar

Under API KEYS click on Add Api Key

Click on Add Api Key to create a new key).The actual key will display only once and cannot be retrieved afterward.

Share CSV files for FreeStart Sharing CSV files FREE today

For additional details, read the CSV File Exchange API documentation

We use sqlalchemy to create and “engine” to pass to pandas

For this example, we append the data to an existing table. Please read the pandas.Dataframe.to_sql documentation for additional details

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